Conan the Barbarian #2 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Conan the Barbarian v1 #2 marvel comic book cover art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
Conan the Barbarian v1 #2, 1970 - Marvel's first barbarian hero stumbles upon an underground civilization where men are permanently enslaved. Rather than adapting a Robert E. Howard story, "Lair of the Beast-Men" is newly written for the medium. Barry Smith's vivid pencils slightly lose their luster due to Sal Buscema's less spontaneous inks. Still, the primitiveness of his drawings seem perfectly suited to the title and the layouts are solidly executed. Smith's cover design is a tad more compelling and conscientious. This story was later reprinted in Conan king-size special #1. This is 2 of 20 Conan the Barbarian issues by Smith. /// Smith gallery
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***
"Lair of the Beast-Men" Smith story pencils (
Sal Busecma inks) 20 pages = ***

Conan the Barbarian v1 #2 marvel comic book page art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
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Conan the Barbarian #2 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Conan the Barbarian #2 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:53 PM Rating: 5


Doc Thompson said...

Smith was better than Buscema.BWS everything resembled an age undreamed of.Whereas John Buscema everything looked like the ages we know.

Unknown said...

Its what Comics were created for!

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