Marvel Two-in-One #50 - John Byrne art

Marvel Two-in-One #50
Marvel Two-in-One v1 #50, 1979 - Commemorating the title's 50th issue, the Thing encounters his past self, when he first became part of the Fantastic Four. John Byrne draws this story with great enthusiasm, providing three exemplary splash pages. These include two superb juxtapositions of the two Things during the tale's pivotal moments. Byrne pays homage to Jack Kirby, the character's first artist and co-creator, on page 31 panel 9. This bronze age comic also includes cover art by George Perez and Joe Sinnott. This is 2 of 8 Marvel Two-In-One issues by Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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"Remembrance of Things Past" Byrne story pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) 17 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Marvel Two-in-One #50 - John Byrne art Marvel Two-in-One #50 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:36 PM Rating: 5

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