Marvel Premiere #4 - Barry Windsor Smith / Frank Brunner art, Smith cover

Barry Windsor Smith / Frank Brunner
Marvel Premiere v1 #4 featuring Doctor Strange, 1972 - Barry Smith's second issue unfortunately lacks the verve and excitement of the first. Page layouts are cramped and sluggish, starting with the mediocre cover. Frank Brunner works with the character for the first time, providing the inks over Smith's pencils. The combined effort is muddy, as the two styles compete for attention. While less successful in this case, Brunner would eventually make Dr. Strange one of his signature characters. This is 1 of 8 Marvel Premiere issues by Brunner and 2 of 2 Marvel Premiere issues by Smith.
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Smith cover pencils (Tom Palmer inks) = *
"The Spawn of Sligguth" Smith story pencils / Brunner inks 21 pages = **

Barry Windsor Smith / Frank Brunner
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Marvel Premiere #4 - Barry Windsor Smith / Frank Brunner art, Smith cover Marvel Premiere #4 - Barry Windsor Smith / Frank Brunner art, Smith cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:19 PM Rating: 5


-Keller said...

Tom Palmer inks on the cover, not Brunner.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Just realized it myself last night. Thanks.

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