Thunder Agents #5 - Wally Wood art & cover

Thunder Agents v1 #5 tower silver age 1960s comic book cover art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
T.h.u.n.d.e.r. Agents v1 #5, 1966 - Three Wally Wood tales reside in this issue, each showing a unique perspective due to different pencillers. In the first Dynamo tale, Reed Crandall's style works seamlessly with Wood, perhaps due to their similar classical approach. By contrast, Gil Kane's Noman pencils are more contemporary and assertive, despite the distinctive inks. Both benefit from Wood's meticulous craftsmanship, aided by Dan Adkins and Ralph Reese. The last story brings the various Thunder Agents together against a duplicate Dynamo (also depicted on the cover). Wood's combined pencils and inks are a tad more detailed, but otherwise equally well executed. Other artists in this silver age comic include Mike Sekowsky. This is 5 of 18 Thunder Agents issues by Wood. /// Wood gallery
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Wood cover pencils and inks = ***
Dynamo and the Golem" Wood story inks (Reed Crandall pencils) 10 pages = ***
"In the Caverns of Demo"
Wood story inks (Gil Kane pencils) 10 pages = ***
"Double for Dynamo" Wood story pencils and inks 14 pages = ***
Lightning portrait,
Wood pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Thunder Agents v1 #5 tower silver age 1960s comic book page art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
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Thunder Agents #5 - Wally Wood art & cover Thunder Agents #5 - Wally Wood art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:31 PM Rating: 5

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