Tower of Shadows #6 - Wally Wood art, Steve Ditko reprint

Tower of Shadows #6
Tower of Shadows v1 #6, 1970 - This ongoing horror title begins to insert reprints to supplement the original material. The Wally Wood story pits the legendary Beowulf against a ghost-like creature. The artist's opening splash is a spacious view of a medieval castle. Despite the smallish panels that follow, Wood delivers a terrific tale of swords and sorcery. This story was later reprinted in the Marvel Comics Art of Wally Wood. A Steve Ditko reprint from Strange Tales #78 rounds out the book. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gene Colan, Tom Sutton and Dan Adkins. Cover by Marie Severin. This is 2 of 4 Tower of Shadows issues by Wood
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"The Ghost Beast" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Tower of Shadows #6 - Wally Wood art, Steve Ditko reprint Tower of Shadows #6 - Wally Wood art, Steve Ditko reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 11:24 AM Rating: 5

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