Time Warp #5 - Don Newton art

Time Warp #5
Time Warp v1 #5, 1980 - The book's opening tale tells of a robotic figure that once was a man. Don Newton's artwork sadly falls far below expectations. Panels are generally cramped and his layouts are convoluted. Steve Mitchell's inks are also more of a hindrance than a help. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Dick Ayers, Jimmy Janes, Edward Bercasio, Fred Carrillo, Vic Catan, Armando Gil, Charles Nicholas, Trevor Von Eeden, Carlo Potts, Jerry Bingham and John Celardo. Cover by Michael Kaluta. This is 5 of 5 Time Warp issues by Newton.
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"Union in Steel" Newton story pencils (Steve Mitchell inks) 7 pages = *

Don Newton
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Time Warp #5 - Don Newton art Time Warp #5 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:30 PM Rating: 5

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