Aquaman #63 - Don Newton art

Aquaman v1 #63 dc 1970s bronze age comic book cover art
Aquaman #63
Aquaman v1 #63, 1978 - The return of Ocean Master, Aquaman's brother and nemesis, coincides with the re-appearance of Aqualad. Don Newton continues to experiment with different page layouts, but with mixed results. The diagonal inset panel of the heroes reaching the depths (page 7) is one of the most successful attempts. Dave Hunt does a fine job streamlining Newton's often busy pencils. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Juan Ortiz, Vince Colletta. Cover by Jim Aparo. This is 4 of 4 Aquaman issues by Newton.
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"My Brother's Keeper" Newton story pencils (Dave Hunt inks) 17 pages = ***

Aquaman v1 #63 dc 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Don Newton
Don Newton
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Aquaman #63 - Don Newton art Aquaman #63 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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