Destructor #2 - Steve Ditko / Wally Wood art

Destructor #2
The Destructor v1 #2, 1975 - Although lacking some of the larger panels of the previous issue, Steve Ditko and Wally Wood produce another fine effort on the series. The opening splash offers a bird's eye view of the Destructor, witnessing a mob transaction from above. Not particularly exciting, but competently composed. Some panels are more crowded than others, but the action scenes on pages 18-19 more than meet expectations. Cover by Larry Lieber. This is 2 of 4 Destructor issues by Ditko and 2 of 2 Destructor issues by Wood.
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"Deathgrip" Ditko story pencils / Wood inks 20 pages = ***

Steve Ditko / Wally Wood
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Destructor #2 - Steve Ditko / Wally Wood art Destructor #2 - Steve Ditko / Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:03 PM Rating: 5

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