Tim Holt #17 - Frank Frazetta cover

Tim Holt #17 golden age western comic book cover by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Tim Holt v1 #17, 1950 - The Ghost Rider eerily emerges from the darkness to prevent a man from being tortured. In the foreground, a branding iron glows menacingly while emitting errant sparks. Frank Frazetta draws the figures confidently, while omitting most of the shadows. Note how the hero's windblown cape makes him appear larger and more threatening. Although early in his career, Frazetta's talent is clearly evident. This is 1 of 3 Tim Holt issues by Frazetta.
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Frazetta cover pencils and inks = ****

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Tim Holt #17 - Frank Frazetta cover Tim Holt #17 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 11:12 AM Rating: 5

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