G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero #51 - non-attributed John Byrne cover

John Byrne
G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero v1 #51, 1986 - Despite all the action, this cover seems more static than originally intended. The background is is an orange-pink void, allowing too much space for masthead placement. What results is an unnecessarily large negative space that waters down the whole composition. Not one of John Byrne's best covers on this title or for Marvel in general. Other artists in this copper age comic include Rod Whigham and Andy Mushynsky. This is 3 of 3 G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero issues by Byrne.
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Byrne cover pencils and inks = **

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G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero #51 - non-attributed John Byrne cover G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero #51 - non-attributed John Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:33 PM Rating: 5

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