House of Mystery #214 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Nestor Redondo art

Bernie Wrightson
House of Mystery v1 #214, 1973 - After years of growing hatred, a woman takes severe action in ridding her husband's dog. Nestor Redondo adeptly portrays suburban life down the interiors and furniture. Light and airy, his drawings belie the odd twist at the story's end. Bernie Wrightson's cover is unrelated to the interiors, but is compelling nonetheless. The witch doctor's face and hand is meticulously drawn, each wrinkle emphasized for added texture and dimension. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Ruben Yandoc and Sonny Trinidad. This is 6 of 16 House of Mystery issues by Redondo and 20 of 28 House of Mystery issues by Wrightson /// Wrightson gallery / Redondo gallery
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = *****
"The Shaggy Dog" Redondo story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Nestor Redondo
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House of Mystery #214 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Nestor Redondo art House of Mystery #214 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:09 PM Rating: 5

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