Hercules Unbound #7 - Walt Simonson / Wally Wood art, Wood cover

Wally Wood
Hercules Unbound v1 #7, 1976 - Called forth by a madman, a creature emerges from the depths of Loch Ness (but not the one you think). Walt Simonson takes over the pencilling chores, yet Wally Wood maintains the series' consistent look and feel. On the title page, Hercules lifts a massive truck that fills the composition. Simonson's pencils seem completely overtaken by Wood's inks, but the final results are decidedly impressive. This is 1 of 6 Hercules Unbound issues by Simonson and 7 of 8 Hercules Unbound issues by Wood. /// Simonson gallery / Wood gallery
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Wood cover inks (Rich Buckler pencils) = ***
"To Slay A Legend" Simonson story pencils / Wood inks 17 pages = ***

Walt Simonson / Wally Wood
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Hercules Unbound #7 - Walt Simonson / Wally Wood art, Wood cover Hercules Unbound #7 - Walt Simonson / Wally Wood art, Wood cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:03 PM Rating: 5

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