Creatures on the Loose #22 - Jim Steranko cover, Steve Ditko reprint + 1st Thongor

Creatures On The Loose v1 #22 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
Creatures on the Loose v1 #22 featuring Thongor, 1973 - Thongor, Warrior of Lost Lemuria, makes his first appearance in comics, adding to the already crowded field of bronze age barbarians. The hero draws his sword against an array of creatures, while an exotically dressed woman lies helpless behind him. Jim Steranko does an adequate job despite the overused theme and abundance of cover text. Note how the sword follows the same angle as the hero's leg and the appropriately eerie smoke and urn the right. The issue also contains "Gundar",  a Steve Ditko reprint from Tales of Suspense #39. This is 2 of 2 Creatures on the Loose issues by Steranko. /// key 1st appearance in comics, 1st cover Thongor / Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ***
"Thongor" Val Mayerick story pencils / Vince Colletta inks 15 pages

1st Thongor appearance
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Creatures on the Loose #22 - Jim Steranko cover, Steve Ditko reprint + 1st Thongor Creatures on the Loose #22 - Jim Steranko cover, Steve Ditko reprint + 1st Thongor Reviewed by Ted F on 4:16 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Inks look like BWSmith, or is Steranko imitating his style?

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Interesting point. Still looks consistent with Steranko's style to me...

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