X-men #117 - John Byrne art + 1st Shadow King

X-men v1 #117 marvel comic book cover art by John Byrne
X-men #117
X-men v1 #117, 1979 - The ongoing storyline takes a brief respite, focusing instead on Professor X's early travels to Egypt and first battle with the Shadow KingJohn Byrne takes a small panel portrait of Xavier and turns it into a full splash on the following page. The technique segues from present to past in a masterful stroke. The artist draws Middle Eastern settings and later, imaginative psychic landscapes with aplomb. Interestingly, the tale also reveals the Professor's first encounter with an adolescent Storm. This bronze age comic includes cover art by Dave Cockrum and Terry Austin. This is 9 of 35 X-men issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance Shadow King
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"Psi War" Byrne story pencils (Terry Austin inks) 17 pages = ****
X-men v1 #117 marvel bronze age 1970s comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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X-men #117 - John Byrne art + 1st Shadow King X-men #117 - John Byrne art + 1st Shadow King Reviewed by Ted F on 9:10 PM Rating: 5

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