Shield #2 - Jim Steranko cover

Shield v1 #2 marvel bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
(Nick Fury and his Agents of) S.h.i.e.l.d. v1 #2, 1973Jim Steranko illustrates a patriotic flag-themed cover not dissimilar to an earlier effort on Strange Tales #167. Just like the previous version, Nick Fury dominates the layout, making him the focal point. His Shield comrades flank him on both sides, filling up the negative space. They diminish in size, creating the illusion of depth even without a defined setting or background. This newer layout is decidedly more crowded and less sophisticated. The contents comprise of 1960s Nick Fury reprints from Strange Tales. This is 2 of 2 Shield issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ***

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Shield #2 - Jim Steranko cover Shield #2 - Jim Steranko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:11 PM Rating: 5

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