Weird Mystery Tales #23 - Wally Wood art

Weird Mystery Tales #23
Weird Mystery Tales v1 #23, 1975 - During a time when he was mostly inking other artist's pencils, Wally Wood did both on this terrific horror tale. A unscrupulous man and his girlfriend conspire to get his aging aunt's fortune. The first panel opens with an idyllic scene of a wealthy estate. The finely textured bark of a tree stands out against the mansion's architecture. Wood's stark contrasts between light and shadow heighten the characters' moods and intentions. Many of the panels are vaguely reminiscent of his seminal work for EC Comics. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Fred Carrillo. Cover by Ernie Chua. This is 1 of 1 Weird Mystery Tales issues by Wood.
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"Fair Exchange" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

Wally Wood
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Weird Mystery Tales #23 - Wally Wood art Weird Mystery Tales #23 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:09 PM Rating: 5

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