Supernatural Thrillers #2 - Jim Steranko cover

Supernatural Thrillers v1 #2 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
Supernatural Thrillers v1 #2 featuring Invisible Man, 1972 - This adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel begins with a revelation: The Invisible Man unwraps his disguise to the horror of tavern patrons. His scarf seems to float in mid-movement and the bandages fall in an aesthetically pleasing spiral. Jim Steranko enhances the scene with period clothing and interiors that are convincingly detailed. Although I would have preferred a smaller masthead and bigger illustration, this is still the artist's best cover of the late 1970s. Other artists in this issue include Dan Adkins and Val Mayerick. This is 2 of 2 Supernatural Thrillers issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ****

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Supernatural Thrillers #2 - Jim Steranko cover Supernatural Thrillers #2 - Jim Steranko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:54 PM Rating: 5

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