Strange Tales #177 - Frank Brunner cover

Strange Tales v1 #177 marvel comic book cover art by Frank Brunner
Frank Brunner
Strange Tales v1 #177 featuring The Golem, 1974 - The Golem makes his final appearance on this series. On the cover, Frank Brunner does a nearly symmetrical layout of the character trapped within a mystical orb. Fine strokes and textures are applied throughout. The analogous pinks and purples contrast against the pale yellows in an unusual, but compelling way. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Jay Scott Pike, Tony DeZuniga and Steve Austin. This is 1 of 1 Strange Tales issues by Brunner. /// Brunner gallery 
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***

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Strange Tales #177 - Frank Brunner cover Strange Tales #177 - Frank Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:28 PM Rating: 5

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