Beware the Creeper #6 - partially mis-attributed Steve Ditko art

Beware the Creeper #6
Beware the Creeper v1 #6, 1969 - This final issue of the series is also the most disappointing. Comic book guides attribute the story art to Steve Ditko, though his involvement is questionable. I first thought Mike Peppe contributed pencils, but others have pointed out sources crediting Jack Sparling. Still, semblances of Ditko's handiwork appears on pages 7-11 (pencils, layouts or both?). This is a far cry from previous works on the series. Cover by Gil Kane. This is 6 of 6 Beware the Creeper issues by Ditko. /// Ditko gallery
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"A Time to Die" Ditko story layouts / pencils (Mike Peppe? inks) 11? pages = *

Beware the Creeper v1 #6 dc 1960s silver age comic book page art by Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko
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Beware the Creeper #6 - partially mis-attributed Steve Ditko art Beware the Creeper #6 - partially mis-attributed Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 6:33 PM Rating: 5


Britt Reid said...

The GCD attributes pencils on the second half of the issue to Jack Sparling.

Nick Caputo said...

I believe Ditko pencilled the first 11 pages; the rest were completed by Jack Sparling. Ditko was reportedly ill in this period and could not continue on his assignments.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Much thanks for the info.

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