Plop #5 - Bernie Wrightson art

Plop v1 #5 dc bronze age comic book cover art by Basil Wolverton
Plop #5
Plop v1 #5, 1973 - Basil Wolverton continues to create even more freakish characters with each subsequent issue, and this cover is no exception. Sergio Aragones' framing pages continue to enhance the series and contributes a superbly drawn tale: "The Ultimate Freedom". In Bernie Wrightson's second story for Plop, a French sculptor conceals a potion from his overbearing wife. The artist's frequent use of gargoyle statues not uncommon in his bronze age works, and adds an enjoyably frightening quality here (see interior page below). Each panel is lovingly rendered, demonstrating Wrightson's high degree of craftsmanship. This story was later reprinted in This story was later reprinted in Welcome Back to the House of Mystery #1, Best of DC #63 and Masterworks Series of Great Comic Book Artists #3. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Murphy Anderson and Mike Sekowsky. This is 2 of 2 Plop issues by Wrightson.
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"Molded in Evil" Wrightson story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Plop v1 #5 dc 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Bernie Wrightson
Bernie Wrightson
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Plop #5 - Bernie Wrightson art Plop #5 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:58 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Kawana Aminata Oliver said...

I use to read those ;-)

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