Chamber of Darkness #4 - Barry Windsor Smith, Jack Kirby art

Chamber of Darkness #4
Chamber of Darkness v1 #4, 1970 - Trying out the sword and sorcery theme, Marvel introduces Starr the Slayer as a prototype to Conan the Barbarian. The drawings by Barry Smith are turbulent yet distinctive. What the artwork lacks in polish, he makes up for in exciting and kinetic layouts (see interior page below). This story was later reprinted in Conan #16Jack Kirby's tale of a lonely hermit is a fine example of visual storytelling. Pages are purposefully drawn and sequenced, including the graphically churning opening splash. This Kirby tale was later reprinted in Giant-size Chillers v2 #3. Other artists in this bronze age horror comic include Tom Sutton. Cover by Marie Severin. This is 1 of 2 Chamber of Darkness issues by Kirby and 1 of 1 Chamber of Darkness issues by Smith.
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"The Sword and the Sorcerers" Smith story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***
"The Monster" Kirby story pencils (John Verpoorten inks) 7 pages = ***

Barry Windsor Smith
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Chamber of Darkness #4 - Barry Windsor Smith, Jack Kirby art Chamber of Darkness #4 - Barry Windsor Smith, Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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