Underdog #1 - 1st appearance

Underdog v2 #1
Underdog v1 #1, 1970 - Though this Saturday morning cartoon debuted six years earlier, Underdog debuts in his own comic book series. This canine crimefighter shares many of the same attributes as Superman: a mild-mannered civilian identity, changing in phone booths, red and blue costume, etc. His girlfriend Sweet Polly just happens to be a newscaster. These John Albano stories were drawn by Frank Johnson. Cover by Johnson. /// key 1st appearance in comics1st cover Underdog, 1st issue
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"Planet Zot" 11 pages
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Underdog #1
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Underdog #1 - 1st appearance Underdog #1 - 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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