Crash Comics Adventures #1 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Strongman, Blue Streak, Solar Legion

Crash Comics #1
Crash Comics Adventures v1 #1, 1940 - Using a secret book of Yogi exercises, playboy Percy Van Norton transforms himself into Strongman, the "perfect human". His strength, speed and invulnerability are suspiciously similar to a previous DC superhero. In another tale, the Blue Streak (a masked adventurer with no powers or abilities to speak of) rescues a kidnapped scientist from a fictitious dictatorship. The only other feature of note is the Solar Legion, a futuristic organization of space pilots fighting for justice in the galaxy. Jack Kirby's artwork makes this feature the most credibly drawn. His level of effort and detail are quite impressive for this era in comics. This is 1 of 4 Crash Comics Adventures issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Strongman, 1st appearance Blue Streak, Solar Legion, 1st issue
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"Strongman" 19 pages
"Blue Streak" 5 pages
"Solar Legion" Kirby story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***
+ other stories

Jack Kirby + 1st Solar Legion
1st Strongman
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Crash Comics Adventures #1 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Strongman, Blue Streak, Solar Legion Crash Comics Adventures #1 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Strongman, Blue Streak, Solar Legion Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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