Spin and Marty / Four Color v2 #714 - 1st issue

Spin and Marty / Four Color v2 #714
Spin and Marty v1 / Four Color v2 #714, 1956 - Spending the summer working at the Triple-R Ranch, Spin Evans (played by Tim Considine) and the gang are surprised to see a new boy arriving by limo. Can a rich, spoiled kid like Marty Markham (David Stollery) adjust to his new hard-scrabble surroundings? Based on the serial episodes on the Mickey Mouse Club, this first issue introduces the setting and central characters. Dan Spiegle does a fine job with the artwork. Photo cover. /// key 1st issue
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"Spin and Marty" 34 pages

Spin and Marty / Four Color v2 #714
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Spin and Marty / Four Color v2 #714 - 1st issue Spin and Marty / Four Color v2 #714  - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:17 PM Rating: 5

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