League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 - Kevin O' Neill art + 1st issue

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen v1 #1, 1999 - In service to crown and country, Wilhelmina Murray recruits a team of misfit operatives from classic fiction. Allan Quatermain, Dr. Jekyll, Invisible Man and Captain Nemo are brought together to secure the anti-gravity metal cavorite. Writer Alan Moore and artist Kevin O' Neill breathe new life into these familiar characters. The artist's vistas and panel sequencing are impressive. Cover by O' Neill. /// key 1st appearance1st cover, 1st origin League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 1st issue / select O' Neill art
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"Empire Dreams" O' Neill pencils and inks 24 pages

Kevin O' Neill
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League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 - Kevin O' Neill art + 1st issue League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1 - Kevin O' Neill art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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