Judy Canova v1 #3, 1950 - Judy appoints herself the city's "man-catcher", complete with net and paddy wagon. Pencilled by Joe Orlando and inked by Wally Wood, this is the funniest cover concept on the series. In the background vehicle, Wood and his colleagues peer through the iron bars. Inside, the artist draws three complete tales of the lovable hillbilly. "Beau Bait" mostly closely resembles his other works from the same time period. The remaining two are quite frankly awful. This is 3 of 3 Judy Canova issues by Wood.
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Wood cover inks (Joe Orlando pencils) = **
"Beau Bait" Wood story pencils and inks 9 pages = **
"Babe In The Hollywoods" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = *
"Photo Finish" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = *
"Beau Bait" Wood story pencils and inks 9 pages = **
"Babe In The Hollywoods" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = *
"Photo Finish" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = *
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Judy Canova #3 - Wally Wood art & cover
Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink
12:00 AM

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