Super-Villain Team-Up #5 - 1st Shroud

Super-Villain Team-Up #5
Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #5, 1976 -  Due to Doctor Doom's trickery, the Sub-Mariner must seek the aid of Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four. Meanwhile, the Human Torch unexpectedly encounters the Shroud. The inevitable battle results in Johnny's flame snuffed out by the stranger's mysterious cloak. His origin would be revealed two issues later. This Steve Englehart story was drawn by Herb Trimpe and Don Perlin. Cover by Rich Buckler and Joe Sinnott. /// key 1st Shroud
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"And Be a Villain" 18 pages

1st Shroud
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Super-Villain Team-Up #5 - 1st Shroud Super-Villain Team-Up #5 - 1st Shroud Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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