Green Lantern v2 #59 - 1st Guy Gardner

Green Lantern v2 #59
Green Lantern v1 #59, 1968 - Hal Jordan discovers a man named Guy Gardner could have been chosen as Green Lantern instead of him. Despite the cover scene, this is basically a what-if story shared by the Guardians of Oa. Gardner would later become fully activated, joining the Justice League in the process. In this issue, he merely becomes an acquaintance to Jordan with no knowledge of what might have been. This John Broome story was drawn by Gil Kane and Sid Greene. Cover by Kane and Murphy Anderson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover, 1st origin Guy Gardner as Green Lantern
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"Earth's Other Green Lantern" 23 pages

1st Guy Gardner
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Green Lantern v2 #59 - 1st Guy Gardner Green Lantern v2 #59 - 1st Guy Gardner Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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