Detective Comics #8 - Creig Flessel cover

Creig Flessel
Detective Comics #8, 1937 - Long before Batman dominated this series, Creig Flessel contributed one of the best DC covers of the golden age. In a near symmetrical layout, an oriental man (using the term from that era) opens an ornately carved box. Inside the glittering jewels illuminate his face, even in total darkness. Flessel's bold lighting and deceptively simple composition outshines most of the early Detective Comics issues. Other artists in this issue includes Homer Fleming, Joe Shuster, Russell Cole and Tom Hickey. /// select Flessel cover
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Flessel cover pencils and inks

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Detective Comics #8 - Creig Flessel cover Detective Comics #8 - Creig Flessel cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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