Haunt of Fear v2 #14 - Graham Ingels cover

Graham Ingels
Haunt of Fear v2 #14, 1952 - Contributing to the success EC comics' horror titles, Graham Ingels often had the most gruesome imagery. This cover in particular is beautifully rendered with an astonishing amount of detail. Even the masthead and host portraits do not detract from the horrific scene. Bernie Wrightson cited Ingels as an influence on his own work, and it's easy to see why. His love for the horror genre is evidenced by the adopted nickname on the lower right: "Ghastly". Other artists in this golden age comic include Sid Check, Jack Kamen and Jack Davis. /// select Ingels cover
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Ingels cover pencils and inks 

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Haunt of Fear v2 #14 - Graham Ingels cover Haunt of Fear v2 #14 - Graham Ingels cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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