Coo Comics #49 - Frank Frazetta art

Coo Coo Comics #49
Coo Coo Comics v1 #49, 1950 - In a pair of text stories, a howler monkey named Hy moves into a new forest and an odd-looking Lorji is teased by his fellow creatures. Frank Frazetta provides one panel illustration for each, roughly a forth of the page. Both are quite frankly stunning, displaying a mastery of detail and composition. "Forest Hero", despite not showing the main character, is especially well drawn (see interior page below). Frazetta's rustic title typography only adds to the overall aesthetic. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Bradbury. This is 16 of 17 Coo Coo Comics by Frazetta.
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"Nothing at All" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 1 page = ****
"Forest Hero" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 1 page = ****

Frank Frazetta
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Coo Comics #49 - Frank Frazetta art Coo Comics #49 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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