Detective Comics #233 - 1st Batwoman

Detective Comics #233
Detective Comics v1 #233, 1956 - Batwoman, a new costumed adventure, upstages Batman and Robin with her crimefighting abilities and saves their lives to boot. Her female accoutrements double as weapons: her blinding puff powder, charm bracelet handcuffs, giant hairnet for capturing criminals etc are cringeworthy by today's standards. The dynamic duo eventually finds out her secret identity. Concerned for her safety, they convince her to end her career before she gets hurt. This Edmond Hamilton story was drawn by Sheldon Moldoff and Stan Kaye. Cover by Moldoff. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Kathy Kane as Batwoman 
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"The Batwoman" 12 pages

1st Batwoman 
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Detective Comics #233 - 1st Batwoman Detective Comics #233 - 1st Batwoman Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:24 PM Rating: 5

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