X-men #101 - 1st Phoenix

X-men #101
X-men v1 #101, 1976 - Returning from space and burning through re-entry, Jean Grey uses her telekinetic powers to keep the rest of the X-men safe. They survive a crash landing in the ocean, but Jean Grey suddenly re-emerges as the Phoenix, complete with new costume. Also making his debut in a cameo: Black Tom Cassidy. This Chris Claremont story was drawn by Dave Cockrum and Frank Chiaramonte. Cover by Cockrum. /// key 1st appearance1st cover Jean Grey as Phoenix
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"Like a Phoenix from the Ashes" 17 pages

1st Phoenix
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X-men #101 - 1st Phoenix X-men #101 - 1st Phoenix Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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