Strange Adventures #117 - 1st Atomic Knights

Strange Adventures #117
Strange Adventures v1 #117, 1960 - In the deadly aftermath of World War Three, an ex-soldier named Gardner Grayle recruits a team of ordinary people to overturn a local tyrant. Dressed in medieval armor that protects them from ray guns, the Atomic Knights attempt to bring justice, law and order back to a devastated and chaotic world. Oddly enough, the team isn't featured or mentioned on the cover. This John Broome story was drawn by Murphy Anderson. Other artists in this issue include Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Gil Kane and Anderson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Atomic Knights
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"Rise of the Atomic Knights" 16 pages

1st Atomic Knights
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Strange Adventures #117 - 1st Atomic Knights Strange Adventures #117 - 1st Atomic Knights Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:10 PM Rating: 5

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