Adventure Comics #48 - 1st Hourman

Adventure Comics #48
Adventure Comics v1 #48, 1940 - A letter from a distraught wife moves Rex Tyler to look into her husband's illegal activity. A talented chemist, Tyler's Miraclo pill gives him superhuman strength to fight crime for an hour. Though only six pages, Hourman's first appearance quickly establishes his character and abilities. This Ken Fitch story was drawn by Bernard Bailey and reprinted in Justice League of America #96. This issue also includes artwork by Ogden Whitney, Fred Schwab, Ed Winiarski and George Papp. Cover by Bailey. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Rex Tyler as Hourman
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"Tick Tock Tyler the Hour Man" 6 pages

1st Hourman
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Adventure Comics #48 - 1st Hourman Adventure Comics #48 - 1st Hourman Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:59 AM Rating: 5

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