Eerie v3 #81 - Frank Frazetta cover

Frank Frazetta
Eerie v3 #81, 1977 - As conveyed on the cover, each story inside features a gargantuan sized woman as the main character. Frank Frazetta's depiction is a variation of classic King King scene, complete with WWI era bi-planes. Finely and precisely painted, the artist uses both warm and cool palettes to separate foreground from background. Despite what it suggests on the cover, only one story is printed in full color (drawn by Richard Corben). This bronze age issue also includes artwork by Carmine Infantino and Jose Ortiz. This is 7 of 7 Eerie issues by Frazetta
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Frazetta cover painting = ***

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Eerie v3 #81 - Frank Frazetta cover Eerie v3 #81 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:30 PM Rating: 5

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