Adventure Comics #269 - 1st Aqualad

Adventure Comics #269
Adventure Comics v1 #269, 1960 - In a back-up feature, Aquaman helps an Atlantean boy get over his fear of sea creatures. Aqualad makes his first appearance, joining the king of the seas as his mentee and sidekick. The character would later become a founding member of the Teen Titans (Brave and the Bold #54). This Robert Bernstein story, drawn by Ramona Fradon, was later reprinted in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #9. Cover by Curt Swan. /// key 1st appearance Aqualad
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"The Kid from Atlantis"  pencils and inks 7 pages

1st Aqualad

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Adventure Comics #269 - 1st Aqualad Adventure Comics #269 - 1st Aqualad Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:08 PM Rating: 5

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