Frank Buck #70 - Wally Wood art

Frank Buck #70
Frank Buck v1 #70, 1950 - Exploits of the famous big game hunter are finally captured for the comic book medium. Haphazard writing and primitive artwork fill the issue, not uncommon for the time period. Wally Wood appears to have contributed at least partial pencils and inks on all of the stories. He often collaborated with artist Harry Harrison early in his career, and this could be one of those examples. Unfortunately, the draftsmanship is pretty bad and Wood's unique style is barely recognizable. One bright spot is his handiwork on the opening of "Making of a Killer" (see interior page below). This is 1 of 2 Frank Buck issues by Wood.
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"The Spoor of the Elephant Rustlers" Wood (partial?) story pencils and inks 8 pages (1 page in duotone) = **
"Gentlemen of the Jungle" Wood (partial?) story pencils and inks 8 pages = **
"Making of a Killer" Wood (partial?) story pencils and inks 5 pages = **
"Tiger Plague of N'Gessa" Wood (partial?) story pencils and inks 8 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Frank Buck #70 - Wally Wood art Frank Buck #70 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:10 AM Rating: 5

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