1994 #22 - non-attributed Alex Nino art

1994 #22
1994 magazine v1 #22, 1981 - Armed with new technologies, the psychologist Sigmund Pavlov delves into the mind of an alien psychotic. Limiting the color palette to black, white and gray, artist Alex Nino flattens the picture plane and emphasizes line and form. Each spread is excruciatingly detailed. As disturbing and nightmarish as his imagery is, Nino's craftsmanship is breathtaking. Curiously, this work in unattributed in most comic book price guides. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Ruben Yandoc, Peter Hsu, Delando Nino and Rudy Nebres. Cover by Steve Fastner and Rich Larson. This is 12 of 17 1994 issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Young Sigmund Pavlov" Nino story pencils and inks (black & white) 14 pages = ***** 

Alex Nino

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1994 #22 - non-attributed Alex Nino art 1994 #22 - non-attributed Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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