Solar Man of the Atom #7 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Barry Windsor Smith
Solar Man of the Atom v1 #7, 1991 - In the latest episode of Solar's origin, the newly transformed Dr. Seleski decides to dismantle faulty nuclear plants around the world without considering the consequences. Barry Smith's artwork continues to lend a quiet sophistication to the plot. Each story contains a different two-page illustration on the center spread, when combined with the others from subsequent issues, forms a giant panoramic panel. Though unrelated, Smith's cover of the hero trapped in web-like cables is one of his better works on the series. Other artists in this issue include Don Perlin. Published by Valiant Comics, this is 7 of 11 Solar issues by Smith /// Smith gallery
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ****
"Alpha and Omega part 7" Smith story pencils (Bob Layton inks) 6 pages = ****
Center spread Smith story pencils (Bob Layton inks) 2 pages = ***

Barry Windsor Smith
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Solar Man of the Atom #7 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Solar Man of the Atom #7 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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