Haunt of Fear #16 - Wally Wood art

Haunt of Fear #16
Haunt of Fear v1 #16, 1950 - Buying a rare shrunken head in a curio shop, a wealthy collector insists on hearing how the owner procured it. Harry Harrison's primitive pencils are significantly improved due to Wally Wood's inks. His division of lights and darks add much needed depth in many of the scenes. Still, Wood is about two years away from perfecting his distinctive look and draftsmanship. Other artists in this golden age comic include Graham Ingels, Jack Kamen and Al Feldstein. Cover by Johnny Craig. This is 2 of 5 Haunt of Fear issues by Wood.
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"Horror Ahead" Wood story inks (Harry Harrison pencils) 7 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Haunt of Fear #16 - Wally Wood art Haunt of Fear #16 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:08 AM Rating: 5

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