A Moon, a Girl... Romance #12 - Wally Wood art

A Moon, a Girl... Romance #12
A Moon, a Girl... Romance v1 #12, 1950 - With the death of her parents, Carole must forsake love in order to care for her younger siblings. Wally Wood offers marginal enhancements to Harry Harrison's amateurish pencils. His inks add much needed depth and richness to the story. Wood's potential is most evident on page 5 (see interior page below), where his mastery of light and dark is revealed early on. Note also the finely detailed foliage in the background. Other artists in this golden age comic include Al Feldstein and Graham Ingels. Cover by Al Feldstein. This is 3 of 3 A Moon, a Girl... Romance issues by Wood.
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"Rx for Romance" Wood story inks (Harry Harrison pencils) 7 pages = **

Wally Wood
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A Moon, a Girl... Romance #12 - Wally Wood art A Moon, a Girl... Romance #12 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:33 AM Rating: 5

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