Eerie v3 #57 - Bernie Wrightson art

Eerie v3 #57
Eerie v3 #57, 1974 - Brightly colored, this portrait of Cousin Eerie is accompanied by small creatures of fantasy lore. From the ominous clouds in the background to the tall grasses, Bernie Wrightson demonstrates an artistry in the horror genre that few others could match. These textures and more contrast against the central and smaller figures in the layout. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Tom Sutton, Paul Neary and Richard Corben. This is 1 of 14 Eerie issues by Wrightson.
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Wrightson inside front cover pencils and inks (duotone) = ***

Bernie Wrightson
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Eerie v3 #57 - Bernie Wrightson art Eerie v3 #57 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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