Foxhole #1 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st issue

Jack Kirby
Foxhole v1 #1, 1954 - In an era of heroic themes, Jack Kirby provides this sobering, realistic war cover. The scene is the aftermath of D-Day, on one of any number of beaches in northern France. Battered beyond recognition, a GI pens a little to his mother without complaint. Kirby draws upon his own combat experiences to forge an indelible image for this premiere issue. This issue also includes artwork by Jo Albistur. This is 1 of 6 Foxhole issues by Kirby. /// key 1st issue
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Simon inks) = *****

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Foxhole #1 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st issue Foxhole #1 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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