Captain Science #5 - Wally Wood art & cover

Captain Science #5 cover
Wally Wood
Captain Science v1 #5, 1951 - Creative and grotesque, Joe Orlando's science fiction cover is enhanced by Wally Wood's superb inking. The two artists collaborate further on two interior stories: the first tells of an invasion of Earth via a Plutonian time machine. Wood's hand is most evident on machinery and technologies. but less so on the characters. In their second tale, a madman in the Saharan desert gathers an army to enslave all of mankind. The first two pages are terrific, showing more detail and complexity. This suggests greater involvement by Wood, whose style is less evident as the story progresses. This is 3 of 3 Captain Science issues by Wood.
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Wood cover inks (Joe Orlando pencils)  = ***
"Time Door of Throm" Wood story inks (Joe Orlando pencils) 8 pages = **
"Science Vs. Sorcery" Wood story pencils and inks (Joe Orlando pencils) 7 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Captain Science #5 - Wally Wood art & cover Captain Science #5 - Wally Wood art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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