Adventure Comics #163 - Frank Frazetta art

Adventure Comics #163
Adventure Comics v1 #163, 1951 - Similar to Don Quixote, an old man dons makeshift armor to fight bandits in a western town. Unknown to him, a disguised Shining Knight arrives, helping him in surreptitious ways. Frank Frazetta's last effort on the series has a distinct quaintness. Mesquite Mike and his chivalrous ways is portrayed with humor and empathy. As with previous issues, Frazetta's artwork surpasses everything else in the issue. This story was later reprinted in Masterworks Series of Great Comic Book Artists #2. Other artists in this golden age comic include Ralph Mayo, Al Plastino and George Papp. This is 8 of 8 Adventure Comics issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery
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"The Knight in Rusty Armor" Frazetta story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Frank Frazetta golden age 1950s dc shining knight comic book page art - Adventure Comics #163
Frank Frazetta
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Adventure Comics #163 - Frank Frazetta art Adventure Comics #163 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:12 PM Rating: 5

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