Haunt of Fear v2 #5 - Wally Wood art

Haunt of Fear v2 #5

Haunt of Fear v2 #5, 1951 - Constantly abusing his employees, a small-time carnival owner has the tables turned on him, with fatal results. Wally Wood's art is generally lacking overall. While a few panels use some intense lighting effects, most of the pages suffer from poorly designed layouts and uninspired drawings. Given the colorful setting of a carnival full of exotic freaks, Wood seems to squander the aesthetic opportunities. Other artists in this golden age comic include Graham Ingels, Johnny Craig and Jack Davis. This is 4 of 5 Haunt of Fear v2 issues by Wood.
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"Horror in the Freak Tent" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = *

Wally Wood
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Haunt of Fear v2 #5 - Wally Wood art Haunt of Fear v2 #5 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:15 PM Rating: 5

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