Battle #66 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Jack Kirby
Battle v1 #66, 1959 - Jack Kirby chronicles the history of the submarine, dating back to early ideas in the 17th century. Drawn simply and informatively, the story has a documentary feel. It's effectiveness partially compensates for the atypically weak cover. Kirby's layout seems hurried, filling in every available space. This issue also contains some notable artwork by Jack Davis. Other artists in this golden age comic include Don Heck, John Severin and Joe Sinnott. This is 3 of 7 Battle issues by Kirby.
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Kirby cover pencils (Dick Ayers inks) = **
Kirby story pencils (Dick Ayers inks) 5 pages = ***

Jack Kirby
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Battle #66 - Jack Kirby art & cover Battle #66 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 11:46 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possible Chris Rule cover inks. Rule inked the story and Kirby may have written it.

Nick Caputo

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