Western Crime Busters #10 - Wally Wood art

Western Crime Busters v1 #10, 1952 - One of Wally Wood's early works, this Lariat Lucy tale suffers from oddly proportioned figures and badly composed scenes. Note that the female lead character has her clothes torn by a would-be rapist on page 5 (see interior page below), yet when the scene resumes on the next page she's inexplicably re-clothed. There are semblances of Wood's unique style in a few panels, particularly where the inks are more prominent. While poorly executed, the story offers an early glimpse at a master of the medium. Other artists in this issue include H. C. Kiefer. This is 4 of 4 Western Crime Busters issues by Wood.
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"Flaming Justice" Wood story pencils (Harry Harrison? inks) 8 pages = **

Western Crime Busters v1 #10 - Wally Wood art 1950s western comic book page
Wally Wood
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Western Crime Busters #10 - Wally Wood art Western Crime Busters #10 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:03 PM Rating: 5

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