Weird War Tales #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art

Weird War Tales #31
Weird War Tales v1 #31, 1974 - Though set on an alien world, Alex Nino's apocalyptic tale seems all too familiar. The costumes seem to be inspired by ancient Aztec civilization, as well as one of their violent rituals. The graphically textured style is one the artist is well known for. His distorted figures and faces are mildly disturbing, yet indisputably fascinating. Full page splashes are uncommon in Nino's bronze age works, yet this story begins with a stunning illustration boldly composed and full of complexity. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Franc Reyes and Bill Draut. Cover by Luis Domingez. This is 8 of 13 Weird War Tales issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Doomsday" Nino story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Weird War Tales v1 #31 dc 1970s horror bronze age comic book page art by Alex Nino
Alex Nino
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Weird War Tales #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art Weird War Tales #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:10 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am proud to brag that I own the original art for this fantastic Alex Niño complete story.

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